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Gabrielle’s ability to challenge in a constructive and supportive manner helped me see myself more clearly, identify what is important to me and work towards achieving it..

She has helped me materially improve my performance and realise more of my potential by changing the way I think about myself and change patterns that were holding me back. Gabrielle gave me the tools I need to help me continue to develop and become more successful”

Finance Director,

Dr Gabby Ostrognay

Gabrielle has over twenty years’ experience in executive capability management, consulting, and coaching leaders. She has worked across a range of industries including education, financial services, government, legal services, retail, and telecommunications. Gabrielle works with individuals and teams to develop greater capability and support sustained change, and with organisations to design assessment and feedback systems.

Managing the executive capability function at Coles Group, Gabrielle developed a comprehensive view of executive talent for the CEO, Executive Team and Board. In this role, she established assessment and feedback systems, and worked with individual executives to focus and support their development. At Telstra she managed the CEO’s Executive Leadership Program and was responsible for the Organisation Development function.

As a management consultant with Aon Hewitt, Gabrielle worked with organisations to assess and enhance the culture of businesses and engagement of employees, develop leadership programs, and design talent management systems. Prior to a career focused on leadership development, Gabrielle worked in IT leading the acceptance testing function for large scale IT transformations. She provides pro bono coaching for humanitarian leaders located in different parts of the world through HCN.


Gabrielle is passionate about providing the challenge and support needed for people to grow and develop and realise their potential. She is known as a clear and direct coach whose clients report greater clarity about themselves, insight into their motivation and behaviour, and skill in working with others to achieve results. In working with leaders, she supports them identify what matters to them, develop and implement strategies to enact change and hold themselves accountable. Gabrielle works with people in areas such as interpersonal style, emotional intelligence, confidence, managing performance, having challenging conversations, and career progression. Her clients are supported between coaching sessions to implement change.


Gabrielle has a PhD in Psychology from The University of Melbourne and a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Psychology and Statistics from the same university. An evidence-based practitioner, she holds current accreditations in The Leadership Circle 360, Hogan Personality Assessments, Korn Ferry’s personality instrument TalentQ, LeaderAmp e-coaching, SHL Assessments (cognitive and personality, Facet5 (personality, Leadership 360), MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator – Step 1 and 2), Barret Values assessments, Human Synergistics (LSI and OCI), Lominger Voices 360 and Career Architect (career development). Gabrielle has recently been appointed to the Victorian Public Sector executive coaching panel.

Personal Insights

She is married with two daughters in their twenties and enjoys seeing movies and playing board games with them, collecting wine, and taking her dog for long walks.