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Join the team

If you believe in unlocking individual and organisational potential, join the team that makes this happen . . .

The SMG Experience


A professional community committed to growth, stretch and development with our clients and in ourselves.

Premium solutions

Operating strategically to support and advise corporate executives and SME business leaders.


Working with talented and engaging people. Learning from each other, supporting each other and challenging each other.


Doing work that you’re proud of and measuring the impact that you have on people and organisations.

We Value
our Responsibility

SMG values the role we play in developing the business leaders of today and tomorrow.

We Value
our Agility

In a world of change and uncertainty, we are constantly evolving our approach.

We Value
our Practice Team

The impact we have on our clients is made possible by our faculty of coaches, mentors, and facilitators.

We Value Ethical
and Professional Behaviour

SMG is entrusted with considerable sensitive and confidential information, which we respect and protect.

We Value
our Relationships

Our relationships, nurtured over 20 years, allow us to impact leaders, teams, organisations and society.


Supporting leaders across APAC with integrated, high touch, tech-enabled, insight-led solutions so they can be at their best; lead their teams with confidence; and help their organisation do extraordinary things.

Integrated solution suite

Integrating executive coaching, mentoring, leadership development, assessment, career transition and wellness has a wholistic impact on an individual, a team and the organisation.

Insight led coaching and consulting

Robust assessment, world class technology and experienced, commercial coaches allow us to mine for insights to strategically advise boards and executive teams on their leadership and organisational capability.

High touch, tech enabled solutions

We will never compromise high touch engagement. Complimentary technology is embedded with coaching.com, gnowbe microlearning and our co-created online assessment platform, assessa allowing for scaled solutions and advanced data analytics.

APAC team

With impact spanning over 10 countries, our APAC team takes the lead in driving change and leadership development across the region.

If you want to experience the stimulation and challenge of business growth and transformation while having a tangible impact on people and organisations, then this is your opportunity.